Monday, March 30, 2009

Woohoo... Finally a Win!!!

Well to me it is... did a backflip on the trampoline last night... lol

I think they are easier to do than forward flips it's just that they are more intimidatng.

Still make my 'old head' spin even when i've stopped flipping.

Trampolines are a good workout though.

The strange things people search for. This page was created cos people type 'gas mini dirt bikes' into google:

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Just Confirming... Still Not 18 Again...

Further to seemingly harmless foods making me feel ill just because i'm getting older...

My 6 year old daughter "insisting" I do flips on the trampoline doesn't help things.

Although i'm feeling a bit timid... couldn't bring myself to do a back flip... next time

Still adding dirt bike pages... Heres a new page and video on dirt bikes USA:

Friday, March 27, 2009

Like Being 18 Again...

But not in a good way...

Woke up with a headache this morning.

The kind you get when you've done an all night bender, are dehydrated and could have done all number of things to harm yourself through the night then caught the "magic bus" home while wearing the "magic jumper" (just a t-shirt but you feel hot even though temperature is near freezing point).

But... it's just an old man thing probably from eating some dairy products or sugar... how sad... lol

And once again completely off topic... Heres a new page and video on 110cc mini dirt bikes:

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Oh To Be a Yogi

To be a Yogi or an enlightened being you have to transcend the human drama that is our day to day life.

You can manipulate space and time, become the watcher of thoughts and emotions and live a blissful experience.

I have said before that to live, feel, experience and dwell in the highs and lows of human emotion is the fun part of 'living'.

I am ignorant obviously to the blissful experience of being an 'enlightened one', but have said I wouldn't want to reach those levels for fear of missing the 'fun' of life.

But when you get caught up in the depth of the 'lows'.... you Wish you were living in a blissful state awareness...

And once again completely off topic... Heres a new page and video on 50cc mini dirt bikes:

High Days and Low Days

Went for a run at lunchtime.

Was feeling good in my 'skins' and my new asics runners. Was a quiet day at work, no real pressure or hassles to get things done.

Could hear action from the Gran Prix in the background and was getting excited by the thought of going there tomorrow.

Was talking with a friend... nice chat, all was well.

Then they mentioned one thing and my mind started racing, stomach churning...

How fickle can we be and how powerful is the mind.

I wish I had control of it... not it of me...

Heres a new page and video on 50cc dirt bikes:

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Stifled and Suppressed...

I said yesterday "Meditation is a tool to settle mind and body and let creative thoughts free!" ... and it's free too, so why's it so hard to attain?!?!

Not feeling creative at all right now.

Not feeling... anything

'Un'-comfortably numb...

Heres a video on tips for video lighting:

Monday, March 23, 2009

The Ocean Of Creativity...

The new video on famous by morning today is about scriptwriting.

Which makes me think about where do the ideas come from?

Novelists, songwritiers, scriptwriters and many creative people gather their ideas from the one source.

I call it the 'Ocean of Creativity'.

You may have heard it called the universal consciousness.

When you calm your mind of day to day chatter you feel a freedom.

A freedom to explore your inner thoughts and emotions. Explore without judgemnt or purpose.

Just explore and allow whatever arises to be accepted and not labelled.

Meditation is a tool to settle mind and body and let creative thoughts free!

Heres a video on tips for scriptwriting:

Sunday, March 22, 2009

More of the Same But Somehow... Different

There are a few videos on youtube with filmaking and video tips.

Here's another one.

Different from the last in that Tim Carter was a middle aged, portly gentleman, our presenter this time is a young, enthusiastic good looking... gotta hate him... fella.

The tips are presented in an entertaining way (i'm sure just as much fun for those making the video) and are a great example of how to present yourself or 'animate' yourself when in front of the camera.

Heres a video by some young punk (:P) on making videos:

More 'How-To'...

Still on the 'how-to' line of videos.

This time it's a little different.

Tim Carter has been making vidoes for instructional purposes and television programs and decided to share his 'how-to' skill with video makers.

Basic info but it is always good to get a fresh perspective on how to do it.

Heres a video by Tim Carter with his twist on making videos:

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Cool... More Macgyver"isms"

Now if Macgyver did make this he's have it as a soft projectile firing platform that would render the baddies harmless without actually hurting them!

But it's actual intention is for filmmaking.

Have you seen those shots of the actors walking along the street in conversation?

The 'track dolly' is one way to film them as they move along.

Heres a video on another cheap solution to give you 'pro' like results:

Back To Video How To...

Poor audio, poor lighting... poor audio, poor lighting...

What are two things that can ruin a video production?

Take a guess... no really go on...

Heres a video on a cheap solution to give you 'pro' like results:

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

There's a MacGyver In All Of Us

When I first started making video productions I didn't have a lot of money to spend on 'pro-like' equipment, but I still wanted to make my video's look like pruductions I'd see on t.v.

So i'd study what was required from film books and magazines and then try and mimic it at a pittance of the cost.

Lights from hardware stores with phtographic gels to adjust colour temperature, fabric from material stores as background for filming or chromakey.

So when I found this video it resonated with me. Great minds think alike so take a look and make better videos :)

Fast and Slow... Fast and Slow

Not what you're thinking... it's about video editing:

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Did The Earth Shake For You?

Was sitting at my desk at work and the pot plant started swaying in front of me.

Then i noticed my desk shaking and felt it in my legs.

Now if I lived in L.A. maybe i'd just continue to sip on my soy latte and sigh, but here in Melbourne it's a big deal...

I hope no whales are beaching themselves somewhere nearby.

Ok, it's my blog so I can be as consistant or erratic as I like... Here's a new page on filming techniques. Finished with dirtbikes for now:

Monday, March 16, 2009

Is It Your Time of Month?

I had someone say to me that 'just as women have a monthly cycle, so can men'.

hmmmm... what was he trying to tell me???

Well he didn't mean physiological changes. He was referring to emotional states. How you can go through a period of high motivation and then a few weeks later be so down that you can't think straight, everything is a problem and there is no silver lining to the clouds above.

While this can also be bodily changes brought on by vitamin and mineral deficiencies, the lunar cycle or a general state of health and fitness, it can just be your mind playing games with you.

Meditation is a way to calm and transcend the mind and conscious thoughts.

When all seems to be going crazy around you it's time to look within and find the answers.

Click here for Jeremy McGrath's former trainer and master coach Gary Semics tips on motocross:

Monday, March 9, 2009

Didn't Run, But Will Exercise My Mind...

Been packing, taking rubbish to the tip and cleaning.

Didn't get a chance to run, but i'll make some time to meditate.

Exercise my mind and take a step closer to a 'higher intelligence'.

Starting to recognise my achievements for myself as well as the fact that the pace I move at is unique for me. I know I will get the results I desire, but need to allow higher forces to determine the order in which they come.

And I am finally at ease with that :)

Click here for Jeremy McGrath's former trainer and master coach Gary Semics tips on motocross:

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Pack and Run...

guess what i'm still doing today...

Click here for Jeremy McGrath's former trainer and master coach Gary Semics tips on motocross:

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Run and Pack

Went for a run this morning... I think it's the thought of wearing 'skins' the draws me to it... they feel so... so... nevermind, anyway

packing at the moment as we sold our house.

I'm typing this blog with the keboard on my lap, mouse on a speaker and the monitor on top of a shelf so I have to strain my neck to see what i'm doing.

Click here for Jeremy McGrath's former trainer and master coach Gary Semics tips on motocross:

Nothing of Note...

That's right, can't think of anything significant or worthy to write about today.

That just makes this a blatant plug for the webpage below...

Click here for Jeremy McGrath's former trainer and master coach Gary Semics tips on motocross:

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Motivation And Positive Energy Are Fickle Things

Emotion or as some put it 'E' motion...

Energy in motion. Doesn't say whether it's positive or negative just that it's there all the time.

We are all in a constant state of energy and it seems most of us have the capacity for (or maybe it's easier to manifest) negative energy than positive.

I read something today, seemingly small and insignificant, but it was enough to sway my mood. It reminded me of a time past that i miss...

Click here for Jeremy McGrath's former trainer and master coach Gary Semics tips on motocross:

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Are You Too Hard On Yourself?

Do you evaluate yourself by standards that you wouldn't expect others to uphold?

Are you critical of your progress to the detriment of your motivation and enhancement?

I realised that... I am. Sometimes waaaay too hard on myself that it paralyses any forward momentum.

Gotta keep an eye on that.

I said yesterday "I'll try and do it tonight and find a way to do it at work during the day"... I sat up in bed and maditated for an hour before laying down to sleep.

Seemed to work :)

Click here for Jeremy McGrath's former trainer and master coach Gary Semics tips on motocross:

Monday, March 2, 2009

What's Blocking Me?

I wanted to meditate today... intended to meditate today but...

Usual story. What's blocking me?

I'm not saying my meditating is the 'be all and end all' of my personal growth or problems, but it is a piece of the puzzle.

I'll try and do it tonight and find a way to do it at work during the day...

Click here for Jeremy McGrath's former trainer and master coach Gary Semics tips on motocross:

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Push Push Push... But There's More...

Another run today... once again the mind doubts what the body can do!

And it is said that the mind rules the body, i'm definite proof of that.

Early in the run, up and down a few hills my pace slowed, felt a few niggles and was tepted to take the short way home.

Then once I near the end of the run my pace almost doubles and you can amost hear in the air the words:

"Run Forest Run!"

Click here for Jeremy McGrath's former trainer and master coach Gary Semics tips on motocross: