Saturday, March 21, 2015

Can Quotes Help Self Esteem?

Self Help Mantras For Positive Thinking

First of all...

You have to recognise and re-discover the beautiful and wondrous things that you have already achieved and celebrate their positive contribution to date. Recognising their worth then gives you a solid foundation to build upon.

Decide right now on the ultimate outcome. Make the choice.

You are not going to be happy when you get that person/car/house or meet that weight goal, because you will transfer the need to satisfy the feeling of your comfort zone to some other part of your life. You need to choose to be happy (in a state of happiness) regardless.

Accept that you are in a good place, but also accepting that what you have to offer is good enough or more than good enough… it is valuable, it is worthy, it is something you MUST give to the world and would be selfish to withhold.

More info on if quotes help self esteem can be found via the link below:

The Best Self Help Mantras For Positive Thinking!

Self Help Mantras For Positive Thinking

First of all...

You have to recognise and re-discover the beautiful and wondrous things that you have already achieved and celebrate their positive contribution to date. Recognising their worth then gives you a solid foundation to build upon.

Decide right now on the ultimate outcome. Make the choice.

You are not going to be happy when you get that person/car/house or meet that weight goal, because you will transfer the need to satisfy the feeling of your comfort zone to some other part of your life. You need to choose to be happy (in a state of happiness) regardless.

Accept that you are in a good place, but also accepting that what you have to offer is good enough or more than good enough… it is valuable, it is worthy, it is something you MUST give to the world and would be selfish to withhold.

More info on self help mantras for positive thinking can be found via the link below:

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Want Some Self Help Motivational Sources?

Self Help Motivational Books

If you are lost for where to begin, self help assistance can be found in a number of different formats to get you started.

For one-on-one type instruction using a personal trainer, performance coach, or weight-loss consultant is the go. Group therapy on to full on seminars can reduce costs, but require more thought and personal effort.

A self help motivational book is a great option as they give you time to comprehend and learn at your own pace. And the ones that 'speak' to you in your language can offer the best chance of success.

A great example of a self help motivational book can be found via the link below:

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

What Makes The Best Self Help Books Just That?

What are the main attributes of the best Self Help Books?

A great self help book should talk to you, not at you. The best self help books help you to recognize the greatness and the power already within you and help you to build upon that base.

They speak to you with a familiarity and a comforting vibration that keeps you engaged and wanting to make the effort necessary to develop goals and achieve them!

A great example of one of the best self help books around can be found via the link below:

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Can a Self Help Book... Help?

Self Help Instruction

If you are lost for where to begin, self help assistance can be found in a number of different formats to get you started.

For one-on-one type instruction using a personal trainer, performance coach, or weight-loss consultant is the go. Group therapy on to full on seminars can reduce costs, but require more thought and personal effort.

A self help book is a great option as they give you time to comprehend and learn at your own pace. And the ones that 'speak' to you in your language can offer the best chance of success.

A great example of a self help book can be found via the link below:

Monday, March 9, 2015

What Is Self Help and Does It… Help?

To use a dictionary Definition: Self help is the action or process of bettering oneself or overcoming one's problems without the aid of others; especially: the coping with one's personal or emotional problems without help from a professional.

Self help, by choice or necessity is about taking the required steps on your own to improve your physical or emotional state and therefore your external circumstances. Be they your relationships, financial matters or physical wellbeing.

So in the broadest sense, self-help is 'playing the game of living'. And by playing I mean getting actively involved in the process of continuous self-improvement.

To find out more information on self-help click on the links below:

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

The Hidden Steps To Self Publishing a Book

It's never been easier to self publish a book, but beware of the hidden traps that may stop your book ever being seen!

When the inspiration hits you and you have to get the words down on a page it can feel fantastic, but like with all projects, having other people enjoy and get inspired from your work is even better.

It is important, actually if you want to have more than family read the book, it is vitally important, as you begin your book to think about your end reader. Who are you targeting and what are they searching for?

To get the full list or resources for self publishing a book click on the link below:

Monday, March 2, 2015

Non Profit Fundraising Ideas

Non Profit Fundraising Ideas - 20 Fun and Easy Ideas to Get More for your Childrens Education!

When the Government grants run out and the school budget can't cover it... It's time to get creative to cover the costs of extras for your kids school.

With two kids from primary school on to high school i've been involved in a lot of school fundraising ideas.

Below is a list of the main ones I remember and the pros and cons of each:

Food Related School Fundraising Ideas

1. Bake Sales - Pros: Good face-to-face communication. Cons: you need people to bake cakes.
2. Chocolates - Pros: Nearly Everyone loves chocolate! Cons: Not so healthy and spent a lot of time walking around the office when I could have been working.
3. Cookie Dough - Pros: mmmm cookie dough! Cons: needs to be refrigerated....

To get all the ideas on fundraising click on the links below:

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Fun & Easy School Fundraising Ideas

School Fundraising Ideas - 20 Fun and Easy Ideas to Get More for your Childrens Education!

When the Government grants run out and the school budget can't cover it... It's time to get creative to cover the costs of extras for your kids school.

With two kids from primary school on to high school i've been involved in a lot of school fundraising ideas.

Below is a list of the main ones I remember and the pros and cons of each:

Food Related School Fundraising Ideas

1. Bake Sales - Pros: Good face-to-face communication. Cons: you need people to bake cakes.
2. Chocolates - Pros: Nearly Everyone loves chocolate! Cons: Not so healthy and spent a lot of time walking around the office when I could have been working.
3. Cookie Dough - Pros: mmmm cookie dough! Cons: needs to be refrigerated....

To get all the ideas on fundraising click on the links below:

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Weight Loss Motivation - 10 Tips to Weight Loss Success

How can you motivate yourself to lose weight?

We always start with the best of intentions but something... life, always de-rails our plans no matter how determined we can be.

Doing 'hidden' exercise, walking with a friend or having more sex are just a few tips.

To get all ten tips on weight loss click on the link below: