Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Have A Happy New Year!

It's new years eve so not a lot to post.

Have a great night and an ever better new year!

Here's to a fantastic 2009!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Who Is Connie Talbot?

Who is Connie Talbot?

In my totally unbiased opinion... WHO CARES!?!?!

PFFFFT... My little girl is was cuter more cute...ummm the cuterest... and more talented than Connie Talbot

I even have proof on tape. Not sure where the faux US accent came from and how a 6 year old can do a Richard Nixon impersonation, but it was pretty damn funny and totally unexpected.

And here am I thinking she never pays attention to anything i'm doing... then she goes and mimics word for word the highlights of the skit!

Take a look for yourself:

Monday, December 29, 2008

Mr Mom, Sand Castles and 'One Liners'

Meditation and children being silent are not a symbiotic relationship! The energy transmitted off one far outweighs that of the other so...

I took the kids to the beach where there was a display of sandcastles.

And not your ordinary sandcastles... we're talkin about a full on Jurassic experience... but it cost $30 for the three of us and I only had $20 in my wallet.

Yes attempts were made to pass the kids off as being under four years old, but alas, no joy.

So we went for a walk along the beach and out on the pier.

After peering over the side of the jetty and seeing no fish about my son turned to me and said:

"hey dad, you know that saying 'there are plenty of other fish in the sea'?... curse that saying!"

I can see video ideas coming from my boy in the future! He can finally pay his way :P

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Another Day Another page, Another Article... Another Blog

OK, no more talk about food... or more to the point... extreme gorging of food to the brink of bursting!

Went for a run this morning instead.

Just 5 kilometres but it's a start. Didn't time myself, but i'll work on some consistency first. Before we start footy training next year i've been told we'll do a time trial around Albert Park Lake.

That kinda scared me a bit as i'm not really a runner. Was supposed to run the tan with a friend and time it but we never got around to that.

Anyway. Around Albert Park Lake is 5 k's so at least I know i can go the distance. Also the run this morning was hilly and around the lake is flat. Got that one up my sleeve ;)

Then I wrote two articles (have one up my sleeve for tomorrow), another page and obviously.... the blog post:

Absolution - In Reverse


Another day of eating myself to oblivion! This time at my mum and dad's place.

I was thinking (as I loosened another notch on my belt) that Christmas has really just become another competition.

The guy that eats the most and maintains his jiggly big jelly gets to play Santa next year!

I'm on my way now!

I did a couple of videos about losing belly flat that are on youtube... if I had of been thinking in advance I should have filmed myself before Christmas then played the series in reverse and made a fortune off the diet program!!!

Ah well... another 'best laid plans...' gone the crapper. I'll have to do that video series of "After the Fact" guy (the guy who always comes up with a great idea or retort when it's too late).

Anyway, here's a totally unrelated (to this blog) webpage I just put up:

Friday, December 26, 2008

The Definition Of Famous By Morning

I was writing an article today about whether someone can actually become famous by morning.

The guy I came up with was Paul Potts.

He surprised everyone with his operatic singing skills and won Britain's Got Talent. In the process becoming a celebrity from one performance.

It got me thinking about a couple of things (maybe things a bit foreign to this blog).

First it got me thinking about classical music.

I have previously been reading books on meditation and spirituality. When we think, hear, act out truly beautiful things it is coming from our pure essence, our core... the stillness within that is our being.

The second was about making your own destiny in life.

Paul Potts didn't just "get lucky". He spent 12,000 pounds on singing lessons, been in amatuer opera shows and even went to Italy to study.

He set his own path and realised his dream. He didn't just dream, he worked his dream until it was fulfilled.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Mini Dirt Bikes and a MAXI Belly!!!

Created another page on FamousByMorning. The link is at the bottom.

It's all about mini dirt bikes, but after the last few days that would be the only thing 'mini' about me!

Feels like I've been eating for about 4 days straight and I have another 4 to go...

I dare not weigh myself but by the 'feel' of my belly i'm guessin i've put on about 4 kilograms.

What does that mean?

My dirt bike pants are going to be a bit 'snug' next time my brother and I go for a ride.

Hmmmm... think I might go for a run tomorrow!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Wrapping Presents & Taking Out the Garbage

Well it's Christmas eve so that means preparation for a visit from Santa tonight.

The children have gone to bed (reluctantly), but not after trying to go to sleep on the sofa, leaving cookies and milk out for Santa and even spreading 'reindeer food' on the front lawn!

What did I do?

I took out the garbage and oh... just remembered i'm still to hang the washing (also an excuse to stand and watch the sci-fi channel on cable :P).

And... I created another page on FamousByMorning. The link is below:

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

More Interesting Ways You Can Become Famous by Morning

Did you know that 'Lonely Girl' of webcam fame got a role in a Hollywood movie?

And that Evan and Gareth got a job with a TV network doing red carpet interviews, have been in sitcoms and movies?

And they both got their starts from success on Youtube.

So what weird, strabge or querky ways are you going to promote yourself from the comfort of your home sofa?

Monday, December 22, 2008

17 Ways You Can Become Famous by Morning

I've been listening to an old mp3 recording called 'Hypnotic Publicity' by Joe Vitale and Scott Lewis.

In it Joe offers seventeen ways to promote yourself or your business using free publicity.

As I listen to the tips, everything from:

breaking a record to running for office, start a controversey to making up an award

I can't help but link each tip to video, youtube and some crazy storyline!

Now... what can I use the bluescreen for.... hmmmmm

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Bluescreen, Greenscreen We all Scream for...

Well i started the title but lost my train of thought part way through.

I plan to do some chromakey video over the Christmas break you see.

I want to video some people (well myself multiple times) and then compile the images in amongst a crowd at an NFL game.

SO far that's the idea in my head. I use Edius 4 as my editing system (Adobe Premiere prior to that) and I haven't had much experience doing bluescreen on that program.

I have the blue material and a good rigging system to hang it all up on. As long as it is well lit I know the filming side will be ok.

Just a matter of getting the post production work up to scratch.

I'll post a link once I have the video completed.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

What Did I Like Filming The Most? - Dirtbikes!!

I have had my camcorder away in storage for a while now.

Need to get it out and video and create something... what used to motivate me the most? What was the most fun to film, edit then see the final product?

Dirtbikes, motocross, supercross... High adrenaline, high energy...




Not quite as much fun as riding dirtbikes, but capturing them on film was pretty good.

Here's a good video dedicated to freestyle dirtbikes: