Sunday, November 27, 2011

Motivation, Self-Esteem and Just Getting Things Done...

It's a vicious trio that can often get us down and stop us from getting where we really want to be.

If your energy is low you don't feel good about yourself and can't be bothered doing tasks you know you ought to get to.

So you have no motivation and without motivation how do you get yourself out of this 'slump'?

So... little energy, little motivation and little self-esteem translates to little or no progress.

With the ebbs and flows of life it's inevitable that our cycle will include some down time. But how do we stop these moments from halting any of the momentum that may have begun?

I like to use a concept that I developed while riding my bike. A 21 speed mountain bike means there are not too many inclines where I wouldn't be able to pedal. So I would keep telling myself "no matter how steep or how tired i get, just keep pedalling. Drop a gear and JUST KEEP PEDALLING!"

SO when motivation is low, self-esteem is waning or your energy needs a boost, just keep pedaling!

Do something no matter how minimal it seems as it will lead to something. Something small or something profound... something minor or something great... JUST KEEP PEDALLING!

To offer your own thoughts on this topic or personal experience that may help another learn to develop personal motivation or a greater self-esteem click below:

Friday, November 18, 2011

Assertiveness and Aggression - What's the Difference?

A simple defintion of the difference between assertiveness and aggression could be that in being assertive you stand up for yourself, being aggressive you try to put down others.

An assertive boss will get the respect and action from their staff, an aggressive boss may get some short term results but could lead to tension and disharmony in the long run.

The line between assertiveness and aggression and often be blurred particularly by the young or those new to positions of responsibility.

My advice would be to live by the rule of respect. Try to add value to those around you at every attempt and be accountable for every action you take.

To offer your own thoughts on this topic or personal experience that may help another learn the nature of assertiveness and aggression click below:

What is the impact of media on self-esteem?

The self-esteem jigsaw is comprised of a number of factors:

Having a goal

In anything you do your mind needs a "reason why" and the better this reason the easier it will be to go for the goal.

High Energy

If your energy is low, your feeling sick or in pain you don't want to do anything. A healthy body, healthy mind means high energy to put towards your task.


If your mind is jumping from one thought to another, distracting you from the "now" it is near impossible to get anything done or at least done well. So bringing your focus back to center is another piece of the success puzzle.

Positive Thinking

We are back to 'self talk' here. It's ok to question things, but it needs to be done in a way that is empowering and moves you forward.

Combine these together and you will have high self-esteem. The impact of media on self-esteem is quite often detrimental as commercials often make you desire goals that are unrealistic or not true to your nature, new media makes us jump focus from one thing to another and poor eating habits as a result of product marketing can lower our energy levels.

As you may judge from my thoughts I think the impact of media on self-esteem is a big fat negative.

The impact of media on self-esteem - to offer your own thoughts on this topic or personal experience that may help another learn the value of reducing the impact of media on self-esteem click below:

Ten Techniques for Relaxation - Mind and Body, Heart and Soul

Thinking, internal conversations, monkey chatter, anxiety, pressure, stress... whatever you like to call it, it doesn't help in relaxing your mind.

Work, sport, strenuous physical exercise and activities don't help in relaxing your body.

So here are my top ten technique for relaxation:

1. Sleep - plenty of pre-midnight sleep offers relaxation for mind and body. Notes: don't eat heavy foods too close to bed time and write down any thoughts in your head so they don't linger in your mind as you try to sleep.

2. Hot Bath - an excellent way to relax muscles. Add to the bath your favourite sodium carbonate crystals and bliss out for 15 to 20 minutes. (Should probably preceed 1. Sleep).

3. Meditation - sit quietly (a quiet location helps at first) and focus on something like your breath. Allow thoughts to linger but don't analyse them and they will slowly lessen.

4. Walk the Dog - doesn't necessarily have to be with a dog, but I find walking with no real purpose helps clear my mind.

5. Massage - oil relaxation massage until you're almost dazed and drooling...

6. Accupuncture - maybe it's just me but, most times i've had accupuncture i've fallen asleep.

7. Read a Book - an engaging, but not too exciting book.

8. Stretch - stretching lengthens muscles and helps relieve tension.

9. Sit in silence - finding a location that is as devoid of noise as much as possible can be so relaxing on it's own.

10. Music - mellow, melodic, peaceful and inspiring music.

Ten technique s for relaxation - to offer your own thoughts on this topic or personal experience that may help another learn the value of ten technique for relaxation click below:

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Anywhere online you can get a copy of atkins diet

Copy of atkins diet can be found online, but it is basically a four phase, initial carbohydrate reduction diet.

Phase 1 - To put it plainly, is a low carb, no alchohol, minimal caffeine, lots of meats and lots of water.

Phase 2 - Each week of this phase, the diet increase the carbohydrate level by 5 grams by adding one more food from the hierarchy. The hierarchy is a carb ladder list.

Phase 3 - Almost at the final stage and your goal weight so this is where you add carbs to the point that you stop losing weight which tells you to back off a bit.

Phase 4 - Is where you continue and maintain your weight. Reduce carbs if your weight goes back on, but basically it's about good eating which it should be anyway.

You can get the book or find yourself a copy of atkins diet but, ultimately, it all comes back to your mental attitude. You are your thoughts and if your thoughts lead you to poor food choices, poor lifestyle decisions or poor financial options you wont run at your optimum potential.

If you click on the link below you will discover more about ways to improve your weight, financial status, health as well as relationships from your mental choices... if you are willing to that is.

To offer your own thoughts on this topic or personal experience that may help another learn about a copy of atkins diet click below:

Friday, November 11, 2011

Why is nutrition important? Let's Start with the Obvious

So, why is nutrition important?

Let's compare your body to something I have an interest in... racing dirt bikes!

To run at peak performance the fuel that you put in a dirtbike has to be of high quality, high octane and contain as minimal contaminants as possible. You could say that a dirtbike's fuel is how it is nourished... it's nutrition.

If the fuel is a low octane it won't burn with as high energy so the piston wont spin as fast, if there are contanimants within the fuel it could block up injectors or fuel lines and if it is of general poor quality then your bike might splutter, backfire or come to a complete hault.

Back to you... so why is nutrition important? Because like the dirtbike, the fuel you feed your body will help determine your engines performance. High carbs not used efficiently turn to fat. Cholesterol can clog ur fuel lines (arteries) and exhaust system (ahemm, I'll assume you get the picture).

So why is nutrition important? If you want to work efficiently both physically and mentally then the right fuel in means the right performance out.

Ultimately though it all comes back to your mental attitude. You are your thoughts and if your thoughts lead you to poor food choices, poor lifestyle decisions or poor financial options you wont run at your optimum potential.

If you click on the link below you will discover more about ways to improve your weight, financial status, health as well as relationships... if you are willing to that is.

To offer your own thoughts on this topic or personal experience that may help another learn about why is nutrition important click below:

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Can YOU use a easy quick way to make money fast?

To be honest, I am not going to give you a easy quick way to make money fast.

You see if you are in the frame of mind (most likely a desperate thinking mode) then ways to make lots of money fast may be available... but YOU may mot be.

If this is not you I thank you for reading up to this point and wish you a good day. If you are interested in learning more about yourself and how you can truly bring wealth into your life I'd like to offer you to read on then click on the link below.

Using tools such as blogging, facebook, google ads to market mini sites, having compelling sales copy to convert the sale along with a way to capture peoples email addresses so they can promote to them again are a easy quick way to make money fast on the net for about 5% of the 100 people who might try it.

Some see it as a way to make money quickly, others see it as a minimal effort business they can run from home... some just want or need to make a lot of money quickly and see this as their last resort.

Using this method to make money can have it's pros and cons and all ways to make lots of money fast on the net have the capacity to make you money if... and it's a big if... you have the right mindset.

You see, myself and many others have tried a lot of the different methods for making money from home with varying degrees of success, but most of the time the ones making the real money are those that sell you the tools.

I'm not saying that these are scams, what I mean is that quite often we as the user of the tools are not in the 'right place' mentally to get them to work.

We need to offload a lot of mental baggage for us to truly prosper, to succeed and to find the wealth we desire,.

SO you can keep on with your search of a easy quick way to make money fast or you can click the link below and offer an insite into why you need to ask that question in the first place!

Go on... take the time for YOU. You truly deserve it.

To offer your own thoughts on this topic of a easy quick way to make money fast click below:

Can YOU make lots of money fast?

To be honest, I am not going to give you a list of ways that show you how to make lots of money fast.

You see if you are in the frame of mind (most likely a desperate thinking mode) then ways to make lots of money fast may be available... but YOU may mot be.

If this is not you I thank you for reading up to this point and wish you a good day. If you are interested in learning more about yourself and how you can truly bring wealth into your life I'd like to offer you to read on then click on the link below.

Using tools such as blogging, facebook, google ads to market mini sites, having compelling sales copy to convert the sale along with a way to capture peoples email addresses so they can promote to them again are proven ways to make lots of money fast on the net for about 5% of the 100 people who might try it.

Some see it as a way to make money quickly, others see it as a minimal effort business they can run from home... some just want or need to make a lot of money quickly and see this as their last resort.

Using this method to make money can have it's pros and cons and all ways to make lots of money fast on the net have the capacity to make you money if... and it's a big if... you have the right mindset.

You see, myself and many others have tried a lot of the different methods for making money from home with varying degrees of success, but most of the time the ones making the real money are those that sell you the tools.

I'm not saying that these are scams, what I mean is that quite often we as the user of the tools are not in the 'right place' mentally to get them to work.

We need to offload a lot of mental baggage for us to truly prosper, to succeed and to find the wealth we desire,.

SO you can keep on with your search of ways to make lots of money fast or you can click the link below and offer an insite into why you need to ask that question in the first place!

Go on... take the time for YOU. You truly deserve it.

To offer your own thoughts on this topic of whether you can make lots of money fast click below:

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Free diet programs

Free diet programs can be found easily on the net. Here are a few I picked up online:

Below is a sample of one day of the 3 day weight loss diet.


Black tea or coffee (use diet sugar) or water
Either juice or 1/3 grapefruit
1 slice toast (1/2 to 1 tbsp low-fat peanut butter as spread)


1 slice plain toast
1/2 cup tuna
Water, diet soda or black tea or coffee (use diet sugar)


2-3 oz. lean meat (fish/chicken)
1 cup green beans
1 cup grated carrot
1 medium apple
Water or black coffee or tea (diet sugar)

Another free diet program I found was the South Beach Diet.

South beach diet recommended Foods for Phase I:
· Beef: Lean cuts such as sirloin (including ground), tenderloin.
· Poultry (skinless): Cornish hen, turkey bacon, turkey breast, chicken breast.
· Pork: Boiled ham, Canadian bacon, tenderloin.
· Seafood: All types of fish and shellfish.
· Lunchmeat: Fat-free or low-fat.
· Vegetables and legumes: Artichokes, asparagus, beans and legumes, broccoli, cauliflower, celery, cucumbers, eggplant, lettuce, mushrooms, spinach, tomatoes, zucchini.
· Fats: Canola and olive oils.
· Cheese (fat-free or low-fat): American, Cheddar, cottage cheese, cream cheese substitute (dairy-free), feta.
· Nuts: Peanut butter, peanuts, pecans, pistachios.
· Eggs: Whole eggs are not limited unless otherwise directed by your doctor. Use egg whites and egg substitute as desired.

· Tofu: Use soft, low-fat, or light varieties.

· Spices and seasonings: All seasonings that contain no added sugar, broth, butter sprays, pepper.

· Sweets (limit to 75 calories per day): Chocolate powder (no added sugar), cocoa powder (baking type), hard candy, sugar substitute (all sugar-free unless otherwise specified).

Good metabolism is an important weapon in your weight loss arsenal, so having a speedy metabolism means your body breaks down food quicker. But more importantly certain foods are easier to breakdown so your body uses more calories as it does so.

Morning foods that speed metabolism:

· eggs
· yogurt
· rolled oats

Snack foods that speed metabolism:

· almonds
· apples
· whey protein

Don't be tempted to quickly lose weight. A crash diet could have you eating less than a thousand calories a day.

This could lead you feeling lethargic, prone to headaches and unable to function to the best of your abilities (both mental and physical) throughout the day.

Free diet programs such as the Dash diet meal plans give you a number of foods from different food groups as well as the suggested serving amounts per day or per week.

Below are the food groups and serving suggestions:

· Whole grains (breads, cereals, rice and pasta etc) - 6 to 8 a day
· Fruits & vegetables - 8 to 10 a day.
· Fat-free or low-fat dairy - 2 to 3 a day
· Lean meats, poultry and fish - 6 or fewer a day
· Nuts, seeds and beans - 4 to 5 a week
· Fats and oils (margarine, vegetable oils, mayo etc.)- 2 to 3 a day
· Sweets - 5 or fewer a week
· Sodium - 2,400 to 1,500mg a day (the lower the better)

The dash diet meal plans were originally designed to reduce blood pressure, but are now being applied more and more as a weight loss plan.

As you look at free diet programs it is vital that you ask yourself one question... Why?

Why do you struggle with your weight? Why do you have so little impulse control or what is the real reason you eat?

Is it emotional reasons to drown out a "feeling" or is it a sub-conscious habit that you aquired a long time ago? Is it boredom, is it stress, is it fear, is it celebration?

Before you look to diet tips to cover a problem that exists now, look to the root of the problem so that it doesn't just become a 'bandaid' fix.

If you click on the link below you will discover more about ways to improve your weight, financial status, health as well as relationships... if you are willing to that is.

To offer your own thoughts on this topic or personal experience that may help another learn about free diet programs click below:

Affiliate marketing business model - Online website selling

Affiliate marketing business model - online website selling is a long way to say selling products for a commission.

An affiliate marketer is someone who puts up their own mini website, drives traffic to the page and earns a commission for selling someone elses (most likely a digital) product.

Using tools such as blogging, facebook, google ads to market their site, having compelling sales copy to convert the sale along with a way to capture peoples email addresses so they can promote to them again are the usual methods of affiliate marketing business model online website selling.

Some see it as a way to make money quickly, others see it as a minimal effort business they can run from home... some just want or need to make a lot of money quickly and see this as their last resort.

Using this method to make money can have it's pros and cons and all affiliate marketing business model online website selling have the capacity to make you money if... and it's a big if... you have the right mindset.

You see, myself and many others have tried a lot of the different methods for making money from home with varying degrees of success, but most of the time the ones making the real money are those that sell you the tools.

I'm not saying that these are scams, what I mean is that quite often we as the user of the tools are not in the 'right place' mentally to get them to work.

We need to offload a lot of mental baggage for us to truly prosper.

Affiliate marketing business model online website selling - to offer your own thoughts on this topic or personal experience that may help another learn the value of a well thought out affiliate marketing business model online website selling click below:

10 best home based business

10 best home based business can comprise of many different things such as:

Selling on ebay

Selling e-books (through mini sites)

Paid member sites

Website building, writing, programming (freelancing your services online)

Make money blogging

Network marketing

Each of these options has it's pros and cons and all have the capacity to make you money if... and it's a big if... you have the right mindset. 10 best home based business

You see myself and many others have tried a lot of the different methods for making money from home with varying degrees of success, but most of the time the ones making the real money are those that sell you the tools.

I'm not saying that these are scams, what I mean is that quite often we as the user of the tools are not in the 'right place' mentally to get them to work.

We need to offload a lot of mental baggage for us to truly prosper.

10 best home based business - to offer your own thoughts on this topic or personal experience that may help another learn the value of a well thought out search for the 10 best home based business click below:

Monday, November 7, 2011

Why Are You Searching For Top Internet Businesses?

Top Internet Businesses can comprise of many different things such as:

Selling on ebay

Selling e-books (through mini sites)

Paid member sites

Website building, writing, programming (freelancing your services online)

Make money blogging

Network marketing

Each of these options has it's pros and cons and all have the capacity to make you money if... and it's a big if... you have the right mindset.

You see myself and many others have tried a lot of the different methods for making money online with varying degrees of success, but most of the time the ones making the real money are those that sell you the tools.

I'm not saying that these are scams, what I mean is that quite often we as the user of the tools are not in the 'right place' mentally to get them to work.

We need to offload a lot of mental baggage for us to truly prosper.

Top Internet Businesses - to offer your own thoughts on this topic or personal experience that may help another learn the value of a well thought out search for top internet businesses click below:

Have you Heard of a Job Search Meditation?

Job search and meditation... why are those two terms even in the same sentence?

If you are currently in the meddle of searching for a new job, thinking about changing jobs or just looking for something better, this may just be the best opportunity of your life!

No this is not a get rich quick scheme, some too good to be true offer or a hidden advertisement. What I am talking about is the opportunity to find true happiness, to find your vision, to find your true mission and purpose!

I use the term meditation for times of focus and deep contemplation. Forget the images of a guru swami floating blissfully, you can meditate while you sit in a chair, walk the dog, swim laps in a pool, sit on the toilet or run around the block.

Your job search meditation means that you are focussing on what makes you happy, what you do well and of these things combined, what you can earn a living doing.

Within your meditation you can live out the experience and decide if you want to go through with it, what are the next steps and what is your ultimate goal.

What started as a job search could end up as a 'self search'.

Job search - to offer your own thoughts on this topic or personal experience that may help another learn the value of a well thought out job search click below:

Sunday, November 6, 2011

The Right Inspirational Quotes Can Be Just the Kick You Need

The second of my favoured inspirational quotes was something i read in a Sunday paper horoscope.

What made me take notice of it was the fitting way it seemed to match my character.

Inspirational quotes can prompt you to look at yourself in not only a critical manner, but also a light hearted way. That is how I read this one:

"Is your energy at a low ebb? Are you finding it difficult to concentrate on a matter you know you should be attending to?

Maybe there's too much duty and not enough good old fashioned fun in your life. There's no getting away from the need to do what you know you must, but that's all the more reason to feel entitled to some compensation.

You're tempted to do something daring, different, novel or even slightly naughty. This isn't necessarily the wicked waste of time you're so prone to see it as. It may be the vital tonic you need.

If you take any situation too seriously you'll miss the magic (and the opportunity) it has to offer."

These last two inspirational quotes I like especially as they advise you to still move forward but to not take things too seriously or even be so hard on yourself.

So often we paralyse our progress by viewing a lack of concentration, slow progress or the desire to do something else that is more fun as meaning we are doing the wrong thing.

Inspirational quotes - to offer your own thoughts on this topic or personal experience that may help another learn the value of inspirational quotes click below:

Inspirational Quotes can be Your Mental Energy Boosters!

I'll admit that there have been many times I was cynical about inspirational quotes.

"Who needs that sort of thing, what a load of over hyped rhetoric!" or "inspiration comes from within... I can motivate myself... if I really wanted to".

But I slowly began to realise that my own cynicism, my stubbornness and to put it frankly my own bull headedness was the barrier to achieving long held desires or goals.

Being open to well meaning suggestions, instruction and the reading of words in the form of inspirational quotes are all part of the package that fuels the engine of your efforts to achieve and grow.

Here's a couple of quotes, ones to me i'd call inspirational quotes as they serve a specific need for a particular mood at different times.

When my energy reserves are low and motivation is needed I like to read this inspirational quote:

"When you're at your best you're unbeatable! But even when you're a little off your best it's still possible to excel. Not all triumphs are accomplished in a triumphant frame of mind. Some of the finest achievements in history came when people felt they were struggling and wasting their time. The doubt you feel is natural but not relevant. YOU HAVE A MISSION TO CARRY OUT! Remember, you will always have strong spiritual support from within."

It reminds me that no matter what may be happening to at least keep the feet moving, the pen writing or the fingers typing. Something good is just around the corner.

I have another inspirational quote I Like but I'll save that for my next post... feeling hungry, time to make some lunch!

Inspirational quotes - to offer your own thoughts on this topic or personal experience that may help another learn the value of inspirational quotes click below:

Working With Purpose is Vital to your Health, Wealth and Happiness!

Working with purpose can have many forms and definitions to each individual, but has one thing in common to all... it is a vital component to genuine happiness and contentment.

You may have heard these words before "i'm bored... why should I bother doing this?... why do I do this and not feel happy?... what's the point to all this?" Have heard them spoken by others or as your own thoughts.

The sort of thoughts that make your frown, the shoulders droop, the breathing shallow and the feet feel heavy as you drudge from one mundane task to another.

As I mentioned previously, working with purpose can have different definitions. It could be about your working life, health, money, relationships or a combination of one, two or all of those things.

Working with purpose is about having a goal and a plan to get to that goal. It's about knowing your mission in life, your passion and a strategy to achieve them. The thoughts of negativity or self loathing cannot get a foothold in a mind that is working with purpose!

Meditation, self reflection and guidance from a trusted mentor are excellent ways to help you discover your path (your true path) in life.

Knowing how your mind operates, both as it is naturally put together as well as habits it has aquired from outside influences is your first step on your path to a purpose driven life!

Working with purpose - to offer your own thoughts on this topic or personal experience that may help another learn the value of working with purpose click below:

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Are there really Foods that speed metabolism?

Are there foods that speed metabolism or is it just a myth to sell pareticular food lines?

Let's start with what is metabolism?

Metabolism is the amount of energy (calories) your body burns to maintain itself. Whether you are eating, drinking, sleeping, cleaning etc... your body is constantly burning calories to keep you going.

Now you also need to know that muscle burns more calories than fat annnd... after the age of 30 your body tends to lose muscle so it is easier to gain weight by your body naturally burning less calories.

So to prove the question, yes, there are really foods that speed metabolism. Foods like proteins with little fat that are good for muscle growth such as lean meats, whey powder etc.

But what I'm really here to discuss is the way you think and the reasons "why" you ask such a question in the first place. I believe weight issues are more a factor of the mind so in order to know how to maintain a healthy wieght for you, first you need to know yourself.

If you click on the link below you will discover more about ways to improve your weight, financial status, health as well as relationships... if you are willing to that is.

To offer your own thoughts on this topic or personal experience that may help another learn about options other than foods that speed metabolism click below:

Friday, November 4, 2011

What inspirational life quote works for you?

An inspirational life quote is something quite personal. While it could be something you share with many people, it could very well be something that only speaks to you.

My personal favourite came to me as I was reading 'Running From Safety' by Richard Bach. More like when I read it, it reached out of the page and slapped me in the face!

In essence it's about a man struggling with the 9 to 5 grind. Feeling like he was stuck in a rut and the oppression of having to rely on someone else for a living. When Richard expressed to his work colleagues he'd like to quit and work for himself they all said "No!!! You can't leave the security of a steady paycheck".

That actually spurred him on to leave his job, as the following thoughts popped into his head:

"No I thought. Don't tell me that my security comes from somebody else! Tell me I'm responsible. Tell me my security is a by-product of my skill and my learning and my love into the world. Tell me security comes from an idea given time and care. I claim this for my truth, no matter how many stable, solid paychecks come from the accounting department of General Dynamics. Dear God, I thought, don't give me a job, give me ideas and let me take it from there!"

Richard Bach - Running From Safety

I have written this down in a notepad I keep with me at all times. The only change is where Richard mentions General Dynamics (his employer at the time) I listed my employer when I read the book.

What is a life coach? To offer your own thoughts on this topic or personal experience that may help lead another to their own inspirational life quote click below:

10 easy ways to make money fast for kids

First let's look at 10 easy ways to make money fast for kids and then looks look at "why?"

1. Garage/yard sale - going through your house and putting up for sale all your surplus items on the one day

2. Wash windows - private homes

3. Wash car windows

4. Mow lawns

5. Gardening

6. Iron clothes

7. Clean houses

8. Deliver advertising mail

9. Enter competitions

10. Sign up for surveys

Before I go further I hope you don't mind if I just ask you a question. Are you searching for ways to make money fast because:

You're always short of money?
You covet being rich?

Is it your habit or pattern to need money? Do you want to prove something or envy others with money?

I ask because I myself have been in many of those situations and quite often even if I found 2, 5... 10 easy ways to make money fast for kids I would either make nothing, make some money then it would dry up or get bored with one system and chase the next big thing.

If this is not you I thank you for reading up to this point and wish you a good day. If something seems familiar in what was said I'd like to offer you to click on the link below.

To offer your own thoughts on this topic on options other than 10 easy ways to make money fast for kids click below:

100 easy ways to make money fast

First let's look at 100 easy ways to make money fast and then looks look at "why?"

1. Garage/yard sale - going through your house and putting up for sale all your surplus items on the one day

2. Sell your car

3. Wash windows - business

4. Wash windows - private homes

5. Wash car windows

6. Mow lawns

7. Gardening

8. Iron clothes

9. Clean houses

10. Deliver advertising mail

11. Enter competitions

12. Sign up for surveys

13. Buy and on-sell on ebay...

Before I go further I hope you don't mind if I just ask you a question. Are you searching for ways to make money fast because:

You're always short of money?
You have a large credit card debt?
You covet being rich?

Is it your habit or pattern to need money? Do you want to prove something or envy others with money?

I ask because I myself have been in many of those situations and quite often even if I found 2, 5... 100 easy ways to make money fast I would either make nothing, make some money then it would dry up or get bored with one system and chase the next big thing.

If this is not you I thank you for reading up to this point and wish you a good day. If something seems familiar in what was said I'd like to offer you to click on the link below.

To offer your own thoughts on this topic on options other than 100 easy ways to make money fast click below:

Thursday, November 3, 2011

What is a life coach?

What is a life coach to me?

A life coach is someone who listens uncritically to your innermost thoughts.

A life coach is someone who studies your history and maps it out.

A life coach encourages you, guides you and wills you to find the path for yourself.

A life coach is a concerned friend, a trusted confidant and a stern voice of reason.

Finding "yourself" can be a scary proposition for some people, but is ultimately a path to personal growth and a successful life. A life coach can be someone that you need from time to time, through periods of low energy or lack of focus.

I have used a life coach and found it an invaluable tool in my own quest of personal discovery!

What is a life coach? To offer your own thoughts on this topic or personal experience that may help another learn click below:

What is the most Vital part of the 3 day tuna diet?

Below is a sample of one day of the 3 day tuna diet.

Black tea or coffee (use diet sugar) or water
Either juice or 1/3 grapefruit
1 slice toast (1/2 to 1 tbsp low-fat peanut butter as spread)

1 slice plain toast
1/2 cup tuna
Water, diet soda or black tea or coffee (use diet sugar)

2-3 oz. lean meat (fish/chicken)
1 cup green beans
1 cup grated carrot
1 medium apple
Water or black coffee or tea (diet sugar)

The 3 day tuna diet will certianly help you lose weight (although the minimal calories might leave you a little lethargic), it is vital to look within yourself if you are struggling with issues of weight.

The most important thing to do before begin any diet or weightloss routine is to ask yourself one question...


Questions like: Why do you eat too much? or Why do you have so little impulse control? or why do you feel certain emotions when you eat?

Your weight questions or issues are most likely a response to how you think, either consciously or sub-consciously.

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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Diet Tips Fix the Symptoms, But Shouldn't You Look For the Cause?

Ask anyone around you and you are bound to get a multitude of diet tips!

From "don't eat after 7pm at night" to "no carbs, just protein and salad" or "try the Dukan diet... the 3 day diet... the Dr Oz diet...". Each of these, and other diet tips will have its merits if researched and properly applied, but it is vital that you ask yourself one question... Why?

Why do you struggle with my weight? Why do you have so little impulse control or what is the real reason you eat?

Is it emotional reasons to drown out a "feeling" or is it a sub-conscious habit that you aquired a long time ago? Is it boredom, is it stress, is it fear, is it celebration?

Before you look to diet tips to cover a problem that exists now, look to the root of the problem so that it doesn't just become a 'bandaid' fix.

To offer your own thoughts on this topic or personal experience that may help another learn about options other than diet tips click below: