Friday, November 11, 2011

Why is nutrition important? Let's Start with the Obvious

So, why is nutrition important?

Let's compare your body to something I have an interest in... racing dirt bikes!

To run at peak performance the fuel that you put in a dirtbike has to be of high quality, high octane and contain as minimal contaminants as possible. You could say that a dirtbike's fuel is how it is nourished... it's nutrition.

If the fuel is a low octane it won't burn with as high energy so the piston wont spin as fast, if there are contanimants within the fuel it could block up injectors or fuel lines and if it is of general poor quality then your bike might splutter, backfire or come to a complete hault.

Back to you... so why is nutrition important? Because like the dirtbike, the fuel you feed your body will help determine your engines performance. High carbs not used efficiently turn to fat. Cholesterol can clog ur fuel lines (arteries) and exhaust system (ahemm, I'll assume you get the picture).

So why is nutrition important? If you want to work efficiently both physically and mentally then the right fuel in means the right performance out.

Ultimately though it all comes back to your mental attitude. You are your thoughts and if your thoughts lead you to poor food choices, poor lifestyle decisions or poor financial options you wont run at your optimum potential.

If you click on the link below you will discover more about ways to improve your weight, financial status, health as well as relationships... if you are willing to that is.

To offer your own thoughts on this topic or personal experience that may help another learn about why is nutrition important click below:

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