Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Free diet programs

Free diet programs can be found easily on the net. Here are a few I picked up online:

Below is a sample of one day of the 3 day weight loss diet.


Black tea or coffee (use diet sugar) or water
Either juice or 1/3 grapefruit
1 slice toast (1/2 to 1 tbsp low-fat peanut butter as spread)


1 slice plain toast
1/2 cup tuna
Water, diet soda or black tea or coffee (use diet sugar)


2-3 oz. lean meat (fish/chicken)
1 cup green beans
1 cup grated carrot
1 medium apple
Water or black coffee or tea (diet sugar)

Another free diet program I found was the South Beach Diet.

South beach diet recommended Foods for Phase I:
· Beef: Lean cuts such as sirloin (including ground), tenderloin.
· Poultry (skinless): Cornish hen, turkey bacon, turkey breast, chicken breast.
· Pork: Boiled ham, Canadian bacon, tenderloin.
· Seafood: All types of fish and shellfish.
· Lunchmeat: Fat-free or low-fat.
· Vegetables and legumes: Artichokes, asparagus, beans and legumes, broccoli, cauliflower, celery, cucumbers, eggplant, lettuce, mushrooms, spinach, tomatoes, zucchini.
· Fats: Canola and olive oils.
· Cheese (fat-free or low-fat): American, Cheddar, cottage cheese, cream cheese substitute (dairy-free), feta.
· Nuts: Peanut butter, peanuts, pecans, pistachios.
· Eggs: Whole eggs are not limited unless otherwise directed by your doctor. Use egg whites and egg substitute as desired.

· Tofu: Use soft, low-fat, or light varieties.

· Spices and seasonings: All seasonings that contain no added sugar, broth, butter sprays, pepper.

· Sweets (limit to 75 calories per day): Chocolate powder (no added sugar), cocoa powder (baking type), hard candy, sugar substitute (all sugar-free unless otherwise specified).

Good metabolism is an important weapon in your weight loss arsenal, so having a speedy metabolism means your body breaks down food quicker. But more importantly certain foods are easier to breakdown so your body uses more calories as it does so.

Morning foods that speed metabolism:

· eggs
· yogurt
· rolled oats

Snack foods that speed metabolism:

· almonds
· apples
· whey protein

Don't be tempted to quickly lose weight. A crash diet could have you eating less than a thousand calories a day.

This could lead you feeling lethargic, prone to headaches and unable to function to the best of your abilities (both mental and physical) throughout the day.

Free diet programs such as the Dash diet meal plans give you a number of foods from different food groups as well as the suggested serving amounts per day or per week.

Below are the food groups and serving suggestions:

· Whole grains (breads, cereals, rice and pasta etc) - 6 to 8 a day
· Fruits & vegetables - 8 to 10 a day.
· Fat-free or low-fat dairy - 2 to 3 a day
· Lean meats, poultry and fish - 6 or fewer a day
· Nuts, seeds and beans - 4 to 5 a week
· Fats and oils (margarine, vegetable oils, mayo etc.)- 2 to 3 a day
· Sweets - 5 or fewer a week
· Sodium - 2,400 to 1,500mg a day (the lower the better)

The dash diet meal plans were originally designed to reduce blood pressure, but are now being applied more and more as a weight loss plan.

As you look at free diet programs it is vital that you ask yourself one question... Why?

Why do you struggle with your weight? Why do you have so little impulse control or what is the real reason you eat?

Is it emotional reasons to drown out a "feeling" or is it a sub-conscious habit that you aquired a long time ago? Is it boredom, is it stress, is it fear, is it celebration?

Before you look to diet tips to cover a problem that exists now, look to the root of the problem so that it doesn't just become a 'bandaid' fix.

If you click on the link below you will discover more about ways to improve your weight, financial status, health as well as relationships... if you are willing to that is.

To offer your own thoughts on this topic or personal experience that may help another learn about free diet programs click below:


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