Friday, December 26, 2008

The Definition Of Famous By Morning

I was writing an article today about whether someone can actually become famous by morning.

The guy I came up with was Paul Potts.

He surprised everyone with his operatic singing skills and won Britain's Got Talent. In the process becoming a celebrity from one performance.

It got me thinking about a couple of things (maybe things a bit foreign to this blog).

First it got me thinking about classical music.

I have previously been reading books on meditation and spirituality. When we think, hear, act out truly beautiful things it is coming from our pure essence, our core... the stillness within that is our being.

The second was about making your own destiny in life.

Paul Potts didn't just "get lucky". He spent 12,000 pounds on singing lessons, been in amatuer opera shows and even went to Italy to study.

He set his own path and realised his dream. He didn't just dream, he worked his dream until it was fulfilled.

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