Saturday, December 27, 2008

Another Day Another page, Another Article... Another Blog

OK, no more talk about food... or more to the point... extreme gorging of food to the brink of bursting!

Went for a run this morning instead.

Just 5 kilometres but it's a start. Didn't time myself, but i'll work on some consistency first. Before we start footy training next year i've been told we'll do a time trial around Albert Park Lake.

That kinda scared me a bit as i'm not really a runner. Was supposed to run the tan with a friend and time it but we never got around to that.

Anyway. Around Albert Park Lake is 5 k's so at least I know i can go the distance. Also the run this morning was hilly and around the lake is flat. Got that one up my sleeve ;)

Then I wrote two articles (have one up my sleeve for tomorrow), another page and obviously.... the blog post:

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