Sunday, January 4, 2009

C...C... Canon... There I Said It, Canon HV30 That is

I have been doing a little homework on a new camcorder and although I'm kinda set on a Sony there is a rival in the reviews.

The Canon HV30 has been popping up as a serious competitor for the particular Sony model I am interested in.

Dare I say it has even been getting better reviews in the performance stakes. But i'm Sony loyal so I will most likely go down that path.

Oh and on my running... this morning I ripped it on my final third of the run! Was kinda... just a little... well... VERY sluggish for the first two thirds of the run.

Rolled my ankle on the edge of a path 50metres into it and almost used that as an excuse to go back home.

Maybe i'm changing my thinking... hmmmmm

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