Saturday, January 3, 2009

Running and Karma Yoga

Finally got a bit of strength back after the bought of food poisoning so I went for a run this morning.

My usual five kilometres and it took me about 30 minutes. I've worked out that for me it's more of a mind game.

The middle third of my run is always the slowest and the feelings of joint paint the most prevalent as I'm at the point of thinking "should I keep running or walk for a bit?"

I never have those thoughts at the beginning (a spring in my step) or near the end (a desperate sprint/stumble towards my goal).

So I try to direct my thoughts to the practice of 'karma yoga', the concentrated thought of physical effort...

Works for a while then i think about me knee, shin, or groin again :P

But like Rocky i'm "Getting Strongerrrrrrr!"

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